Lung health varies from season to season. All streams of medicine has effective remedies to bring an agitated swasa mandala back into balance through diet, lifestyle and medicines/herbal concoctions. Also, most people who develop COVID-19 fully recover, but current evidence suggests that approximately 10–20% of people experience a variety of mid and long-term effects after they recover from their initial illness. The pathophysiology of infection of the covid 19 virus from the Ayurvedic perspective can be explained by considering it as Samsargaja/ Aupasargaja (infectious) in nature. The degree of vitiation of tridosha is variable according to the magnitude of infection or individual Sharira bala (immunity) of the affected person. To balance the tridosha and to increase the immunity, the treatment is panchavidha shodanam (Panchakarma), administration of Rasayana (immunomodulatory supplements) and other specific treatments. Choose our respiratory wellness package to achieve optimum functional state with adequate oxygenation.

Initial consultation – Analysis – Preparative treatments – Main treatments – Recuperative treatments – Daily monitoring – Post discharge care advice – Dietary recommendations – Lifestyle modifications – Follow up

Suitable For

  • Post Covid rejuvenation
  • Upper Respiratory track disorders
  • Exposure to Industrial Smoke and dust
  • Asthma/ Difficulty in breathing

3/5/7/14/21/28 days (3 months post-treatment follow-up through Online & advice – limited to 4 nos of 20 min video calls; for packages above 14 days)

Possible Treatments​

  • AbhyanGa (thadaval / uzhichil)
  • Udwarthanam (powder massage)
  • DhAnyAmla dhAra (pouring medicated dhAnyamala)
  • Sankara swEdam
  • VirEchana (induced controlled purgation)
  • BAsma swEdanam (Herbal Steam bath)
  • Nasya (Nasal drops)
  • Asthma Bath
  • Underwater massage
  • Steam sheet
  • Chromotherapy
  • Hot foot and Arm Bath
  • Facial Steam
  • Therapeutic breath works ( curated and depend on case to case basis)
  • Tratak
  • Nilai therapeutic Vital points stimulation
  • SthAnika swEdam (chest)
  • Aroma Therapy (Eucalyptus/ Tea tree/ Camphor/ Peppermint)
  • Dinacharya (Daily regimen – danta dAvana, jihva nirlehana, anjanam, nasya, kabalam, gandUsha, dhUmapAnam, karnapUranam, abhyanGam, vyAyama, and with or without herbal steam)
Pre Arrival preparatory advice by Doctor
Receiving with rituals and welcome drink
Detailed Consultation on arrival with qualified Doctors
Customized Treatment Plan
Individualized Diet
Personalized medical care with dedicated and trained team
Freshly prepared Ayurveda medicines
Yoga nidra, Pranayama, Meditation, daily prayer
Medicine preparation class
Treatment rituals

Daily Activities

  • Satsang with Doctors
  • Cooking Class
  • Garden walk
  • Medicine preparation class
  • Mandala Art
  • Music
  • Breath works
  • Sound therapy
  • Laughter therapy
  • Silambam/Kalari
  • Cycling
  • Trekking

Facilities Included

  • Air conditioned Accomodation
  • Room Service
  • WiFi Connectivity
  • Television
  • Library
  • Pickup and drop arrangements (payment extra @ actuals)

Parameters checked – Height, Weight, BMI, Blood pressure, SPO2, Pulse Rate, Temperature, Waist circumferance, General survey.

Diagnostics recommended (extra @ actuals) – cbc, flp, rbs, vit d3 , tsh, lft, rft, ecg, ige, crp, allergy panels( as per the requirement- comprehensive, food or inhalant)

Above mentioned Treatments are for descriptive purpose only – final treatment plan will be based on the individuals condition and needs, decided by the incharge Doctor. Not all treatment will be done

Few facilities mentioned above are to be used in moderation as per the advice of the treating Doctor