

Our vision is to create an eco-friendly sanctuary melding Western medicine and traditional therapies like Ayurveda, naturopathy, acupuncture & yoga contributing to collectively healing the mind, body and soul.


Core Values

About Us

All that is required to realise the Self is to “Be Still”.

NILAI – Experience Stillness

Welcome, dear seekers!

We are Team NILAI and here is a little something about who we are. Our own Self-Realization is the greatest service we can render the world. Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gunasekaran, Founder & Dr. Shwetha Raj Dinesh, Co-Founder were involved in the hospitality and service domain for over a decade with our first initiative and the passion project –  Ecorganic Boutique Farmstays & Experiences  – a collection of eco-friendly getaways that offer exclusive nature stay experiences, treks & a signature Plantation Resort. We also are full-time working professionals in high-end super speciality high volume corporate allopathic centres.

As we juggled our profession, passion and family duties, realization struck us that though we treated and cured the ailments of people and were the best of hosts for the wondrous travellers, little did we contribute towards the prevention and wholesome wellness of an individual and to their thirst for liberation & self-exploration, which lead to our hunger to create a wellness collective – an amalgamation of the best of all streams of therapy which aims at healing the human entity inside out as a whole and boosting their innate potential backed by science and evidence.

Conceived out of that thought was NILAI. We pondered over and understood the needs of today’s human populace and their wants with regard to emotional, physical and general well-being. We uncovered the general lack of guidance and support for acquiring the right knowledge to deal with the multifaceted lifestyle of today. Hence, we decided to come up with a one-stop haven for all esoteric and essential wellness needs. When the pupil is ready, the master arrives. True to that, pooled in the most talented and like-minded experts Mr. Sundara Kadeswaran, Dr. Sowmya Vadana, Mr.Satish, and Mrs. Shiny who gave in their valuable inputs and time to grow this tiny delicate brainchild into a beautiful young maiden. With ultra-specific customised protocols formulated and backed by scientific evidence, this niche multidisciplinary module has been created to achieve a universal balance in the self and the collective.

Our Team

Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gunasekaran

Founder & Chief Inspiration Officer

Being a Paediatric perioperative Physician by profession caring for the tender little ones for almost 15 years he is also a well centred Ecopreneur at heart. With numerous publications in renowned medical journals, multiple Accolades to his name & Positions to his credit, he is a multifaceted human who is also an avid traveller. With his roots from a humble agricultural family, his never-ending thirst for adventure, enthusiasm for wildlife and inclination for finding peace amidst books and nature makes him the diverse humanitarian young entrepreneur that he is. He likes to pump up his adrenaline with a range of activities including Trekking, Rowing, Cycling, Horse riding and Off roading with emphasis on general wellbeing and fitness at its core. He is a staunch believer of the phrase – ” True wealth is not of the pocket, but of the heart and of the mind”. This led him on a soul-searching expedition all across the globe and made him gain authentic experiences from all walks of life. What started as a burning passion turned into a meaningful fulfilling responsibility to him with Ecorganic stays where he started making his aim to bring possible changes, he could in the world of Eco tourism into a reality – a single step at a time. Along with merging people as completely with nature as they can get, every experience with Ecorganic stays – his first passionate venture, is not a destination but a discovery of the elemental side of oneself. Poetic as it sounds, the fire of passion just never ceases until it engulfs us in its pursuit. True to that   -from his cumulative expertise of 15 years of Medicine & 10 years of toiling and exploration in the Hospitality sector – was born the most brilliantly distinct brainchild – Nilai – An Ecorganic Wellness Collective.

Dr.Shwetha Raj Dinesh

Position: Chief Experience Officer
Categories: Team

A Medical Pathologist by profession, the beloved wife of our founder Dr. Dinesh Kumar Gunasekaran and a dedicated mother of three toddlers. With hospitality being her passion and her wanderlust for travel being her zen, she co-founded Ecorganic Boutique Farmstays & Experiences. With over a decade of experience in the service industry, her prowess is primarily planning and propulsion of the elemental systems of a setup. With a keen eye for observation, empathetic & intelligent comprehension of customer insights, She aces all the caps she dons as a skilled healthcare professional, an inspiring businesswoman and most importantly an exceptional mother. Her long-term vision of wanting to converge her passion and profession together combined with the hunger for a holistic humanitarian contribution of our founder – gave rise to Nilai – An Ecorganic wellness collective. Being a mother herself and experiencing every phase of life as today’s ambitious and able young woman going through motherhood, she understood the needs of women of our age thoroughly. She has meticulously curated wellness programs with a team of experts to give you the greatest wholesome experience. We can safely say that she is the walking epitome of Nilai who stands for balancing everything you love and pursuing it the right way to achieve everlasting happiness, inside out.

A Medical Pathologist by profession, the beloved wife of our...

Dr.Shwetha Raj Dinesh

Chief Experience Officer

Dr.Sowmya Vadana

Position: Chief Wellness Officer
Categories: Team

She is an endoscopic & laparoscopic surgeon, a vibrant clinician with special interest in podiatry and breast surgeries. She has close to 10 years of experience in managing a multi- speciality hospital. As an ardent believer of women empowerment, she has been working with multiple NGOs for rural health development and girl child protection. She is also an environmentalist and an orator.  She also holds the position of chairman in the nursing home board -Indian Medical Association, Cbe and has received multiple awards which includes dynamic woman entrepreneur(PCA), maruthuva natchathiram(Hindu tamil), doctor of excellence(KG) & outstanding  community service(IMA). She is also a mother of two beautiful children, balancing all spectrums of life making her the most suited executive head incharge of curating the wellness elements of Nilai. She has taken delicate care to conceptualize and merge the best of various fields of medicine for  bringing out an unique blended module – the crux of Nilai.

She is an endoscopic & laparoscopic surgeon, a vibrant clinician...

Dr.Sowmya Vadana

Chief Wellness Officer

Mr.Sundar Kadeswaran

Position: Chief Advisor
Categories: Team

Mr. Sundar Kadeswaran is a Techno-Legal Professional with 13 years of practice in the Coimbatore District Court and Madras High Court under his belt. Mr. Kadeswaran has prosecuted as well as defended cases relating to White collar offences, Information Technology (Cyber crimes) and corporate issues under Company Law.  By virtue of a Post Graduate degree in Political Science and Public Administration and a Post Graduate diploma in Cyber laws, Mr. Kadeswaran is an intense socially responsible citizen. As a Social Activist he has been addressing schools, colleges, corporates and the Police Department on cybercrimes, formulation and compliance with Information Security policies and practices, and investigation and prosecution of cybercrimes on a regular basis. He also advises clients outside India globally.  As a person from a rural background, an avid lover of nature and wildlife his connections with and appreciation of nature and Mother Earth continues. He is also a mentor to two entrepreneurs guiding and advising them in their business.  As part of the structuring of Nilai- An Ecorganic Wellness Collective, he provides the legal foundation for the venture. He is a partner as a result of his experience in advising entities and his consensus with the concept forming basis of Nilai.

Mr. Sundar Kadeswaran is a Techno-Legal Professional with 13 years...

Mr.Sundar Kadeswaran

Chief Advisor

Mr. Sathese Kumar

Position: Chief Wealth Officer
Categories: Team

He is a dynamic and highly motivated entrepreneur. His formative years were spent in Paris France, where he also completed his MS in Programme management at the prestigious SKEMA Business school. Having over a decade of experience in IT products & programme management for travel & tourism industry, he joined as a managing director in his family healthcare business to take regional healthcare service beyond boundaries. He also started a paramedical institute to meet the global standards in education and training. He was honoured with the designation as president of Rotary Club of Karamadai. Travel is one of Sathese’ s great passions. He has travelled extensively to Europe and Asia and has also explored many states throughout India. He thrives on meeting different people & getting to understand their cultures, lifestyle, and food preferences. Being an ambivert and a people person primarily, he personifies the much needed connect between Nilai and our patrons. His contribution to Nilai has been invaluable in bringing the best of worlds together & making it accessible to everyone.

He is a dynamic and highly motivated entrepreneur. His formative...

Mr. Sathese Kumar

Chief Wealth Officer

Mrs. Shiny

Position: Chief Legal Officer
Categories: Team

Ms. Shiny the Chief Legal officer of Nilai – An Ecorganic Wellness Collective brings to the table, her 13 years of legal experience as a Civil, Corporate, Banking, Consumer rights, Environmental and Family disputes lawyer.  Apart from her legal background, Ms. Shiny is also a qualified Management Professional in Business and General Administration.  As a social activist, she is an active member of the Federación Internacional de Abogadas (FIDA or International Federation of Women Lawyers) and has taken part in the deliberation on Domestic Violence, its effects, and solutions in a Regional Conference held in Kuwait. She also addresses several public forums regularly. As the Chief Legal Officer, she ensures that all legal requirements are meticulously followed and complied with in Nilai – An Ecorganic Venture.

Ms. Shiny the Chief Legal officer of Nilai – An...

Mrs. Shiny

Chief Legal Officer